Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Additional Post 3: The process of D-BAN and imaging

For mentorship on Monday, Director Bates assigned me to the back of the SAIT's under Joel and Edward's wings. They work on the computers themselves, which includes imaging, D-BAN, and cleaning out the computers.

An image is basically a ghost of an installed OS that has custom settings that a person can use. Once it is saved, it can be installed on different computers without going through all the hassle of working with installs all over. It was interesting to see that. I was able to look through and start an installed image process as well.
D-BAN or Darik's Boot and Nuke
 D-BAN or Darik's Boot and Nuke is a process used to make sure hard drives securely cleared so that any data that was previously on it is not able to be recovered. It works by overloading sectors of the hard drive with binary code so that it basically "shreds" through the data and makes it unrecoverable. I was able to try out the D-BAN which was fairly simple. Just booting it up from a flash drive and making sure it went through the process was really straightforward.
Computer in process of D-BANning
 Cleaning out computers and labeling were also a part of the day but those were straightforward.
All of these computers are being updated and re-imaged for streamline updates
I found it very enjoyable and interesting to learn. I find it important to learn this since creating an image to fit certain departments' needs fit what the client would need for an application.

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