Saturday, August 31, 2013

Returning to the roots of computers...

While my family and I are away for the weekend, I was lucky enough to visit the Intel Museum down in the Silicon Valley. I thought it would be important to dive into the roots of one of the biggest computer hardware companies in order to understand how hardware and software go hand-in-hand.

The Intel Building and Museum

Intel was one of the first companies to create computer hardware and is a leader in the hardware market today. Known for their processors, micro-chips, and  they use the element Silicon for their products, which is a great material for transistors. Transistors are semiconductors devices that allows for electrical switches to be turned on or off. A simple example to the idea of transistors is the language of binary code.

Original 106 members of Intel
 Transistors are important to computers as they require them to provide enough stable power to hardware running the systems. Without transistors, processors and microchips would be larger than their current sizes. What also adds to their current size is the amount of transistors silicon can use within a small piece.

Flash Memory, developed by Intel in 2010. Highest capacity, smallest NAND memory chip.
 As according to Gordon Moore's statement in 1965, the amount of transistors on a single piece of silicon has double every couple of years. This statement has been true ever since.

Description of Moore's Law

Chart of Moore's Law, 1965

Robert Noyce, co-founder of Intel
The amount of hardware produced is crucial in accordance to software being developed. If hardware is not stabilized or being improved upon, then the development of software will not be able to be improved greatly, as software relies heavily on the amount of power and memory being provided by hardware.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation


1. Who do you plan to interview? Why?

I plan on interviewing Robert Cruz. Since he is a part of the development team at his company, Mr. Cruz is knowledgeable in what goes into planning and how to execute his tasks, either in programming or designing the software. He would also be aware of some resources that can assist me in understanding how the process works and what techniques to use while working.

2. You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask?

  • What videos, documentaries, or films are informative about this field?
  • Why did you decide to enter this occupation/ field?
  • What are the differences between software engineering and software development?
  • What skills/ classes are required in your field?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals


1. List your topic here: Software Development

2. What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs? Be specific and use an example. Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).
  • iPoly Citizen
  • Effective Learner
  • Effective User of Technology
  • Effective Communicator
In order for me to grow in being an iPoly Citizen, I plan to use my commitment to the blogging committee, my house (West), and the whole senior class to provide and accommodate for whatever is required of me. For example, I would help anyone who is asking for assistance from me in any of the core classes, senior project, or other tasks. Keeping a positive attitude would help me grow since my mood affects everyone surrounding me.

To grow in being an Effective Learner, I plan to use my mentor ship as a great learning experience. Learning from my mentor helps me realize what information is truly important and what to expect in the current career field. I also hope to show growth in my study habits, keeping up and excelling past what is required in core, model assembly, and senior project.

For me to grow in being an Effective Communicator, I plan to express my thoughts and ideas to my fellow peers during model assembly. I also plan to work around my hesitation to speak and talk to whoever I need to, whether it be my fellow students, my mentor, or a person who I need to interview for senior project.

I plan to be an Effective User of Technology in all my blog posts and senior project, especially with my topic of software development. I plan to be able to understand and use the online resources throughout the year with my research with special databases and online help. With my topic, I hope to be able to apply my knowledge that I hope to learn in class and online.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship Component

1. (Know) Using google doc (drive) link a log of specific hours and a description of your duties.


2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?

Jesus Quizon


3.  (Need to know) What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?  List them.

  • What other programs do you need to be proficient in to qualify for a job as a software developer?
  • Do software developers learn and master a specific task (such as coding) or do they have to be proficient in all areas?
  • What other skills do you need to be a software developer?


4. What is the most important thing that you have gained from this experience? Why?

One of the most important things that I have gained from this experience is understanding what a day-to-day basis is like in the workplace. Although I was working with my mentor at his place, the basic understanding of what to expect in the actual workplace is emulated since most of the day is made up of working and concentrating on tasks on your computer. 

5. How did what you did help you choose a topic? Please explain.

My mentorship has helped me choose a topic for my senior project as I enjoy working on the computer. Also, software development is a career that I hope to pursue since creating programs for other people to use is a fun prospect. Working with a developer assisted in my vision of what to truly expect and set my mind for when working on a project such as this.